We had to do a dress shirt for someone else than ourselves, and I ended up making one for my dad, since he wanted me to. Most of the girls from our class made shirts of each other, but as I don't wear dress shirts that much, I did it for someone else entirely.
Ja tässä on se valmis paita...
And here's the finished product...
Sain siitä hyvän arvosanankin, joten olen kaikin puolin tyytyväinen. Ja isänikin pitää siitä, joten kaikki meni hyvin. Vaikka aikataulu ei oikein pitänytkään, ja menin ompelemaan sitä tauoilla aina kun mahdollista, nyt kun mme opiskellaan äidinkieltä ja matikkaa ja sellaista. Mutta nyt se on kuitenkin valmis.
I got a pretty good grade from this as well, so I'm overall quite happy with it. And my dad likes it too, so everything's good. Even though everything didn't go as planned, and I had to go sew it during breaks now that we're studying finnish, maths and stuff like that. But it's done now, anyway.
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